Plastic surgeon is a person who specializes in reconstructing human body. Human body reconstruction is often performed under patients with disfigurements or displaced body parts or under normal patients who want to improve their appearance. Due to the heavy task, many people said that the salary of a plastic surgeon musts be high. Moreover, applying to be one of professional plastic surgeons is not easy, too. The American College of Surgeons makes a report that a plastic surgeon has to complete a six year training and residency program after eight years of pre-medical and medical school.
National Statistic
Medscape, a health care industry website, reports that the median salary of a plastic surgeon is $270,000 per 2011. It also tells us that about 54 percent of plastic surgeons gain $300,000 annual salary maximum, while 30 percent of them gain about $300,000 to $500,000 annual salary and 16 percent received more than $500,000 per year. Based on this statistic, profession plastic surgeon ranked ninth in the list of biggest salary among other medical and surgical specialties professions.
Regional Data
Meanwhile, regionally, the salary of plastic surgeons also varies. Plastic surgeons in the Great Lake states are the most prosperous, with median annual salaries of $339,500 per 2011. Mid-Atlantics plastic surgeons are the second most prosperous, with annual salaries of $335,000. In North Central states, plastic surgeons are paid $297,500 annually in average, while in South Central, they were paid $290,000 per year. Southeast and Northeast plastic surgeons are paid with similar amount of dollar, $265,000 per year, while in the Northwest and Southwest, plastic surgeons gain about $250,000 per year. This data is gathered by Medscape.
Data by Practice Field
By practice field, Medscape reported a similar variation of salary of plastic surgeons. Plastic surgeons who work for private practices received the lowest annual salary, which is about $250,000, per 2011. Those who work as partners in private practices, in opposite, receive the highest annual salary, which is about $400,000. Similar amount of salary is also gained by plastic surgeons who work as independent contractors. Plastic surgeons who work for academic institutions and hospitas have median income about $270,000 annually, while those who practice in multispecialty field received about $500,000 per year.
Miscellanous Information
With those fantastic salary statistic gained by plastic surgeons, Medscape reported other considerations from this condition. Approximately 38 percent of plastic surgeons who work in private practice are pleased enough with the salary they received. Meanwhile, 82 percent of all plastic surgeons agree that they would choose similar medical specialty. This is twice as higher than the other 41 percent who would cross to other medical specialty.
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